Leksaksbiblioteket – Mer lek per sak
There’s no shortage of toys in the world. Every day, hundreds of thousands of new ones are produced, with a large climate footprint as a result. Often they’re made under terrible working conditions, contain dangerous chemicals, and are transported halfway around the world – only to end up in children's rooms that are already overcrowded.
There’s a solution: a toy library. Let’s turn 538 toys per child (average in Sweden today), into 538 children per toy!
Leksaksbiblioteket Stockholm is a non-profit initiative with big dreams but a tiny budget. Everything had to be built up from the beginning.
With no media budget and few touching points with potential volunteers, members and borrowers, we needed to communicate the initiative’s ambition, offer and reason-why in an effective and clear way. Since Leksaksbiblioteket is Stockholm’s very first toy library the whole experience of borrowing toys are for most people something completely new, which adds to the communicative challenge.
Sustainability is often perceived as complicated, boring and a sacrifice. We needed to show that Leksaksbiblioteket was none of that. Instead, it offers a way for parents to be kind to their wallets by reducing consumption, escaping the toy clutter in their kids' room and helping the planet at the same time
Mer lek per sak: More play per toy. The whole idea of Leksaksbiblioteket distilled into a single line. On top of that, we have added a fun and popping imagery to make our message even more playful.